Collectif Porte27 __ July 4th & 5th. I Woke Up in Motion / Vasil Tasevski

Circus - France

  • Collectif Porte27 __ July 4th & 5th
  • Collectif Porte27 __ July 4th & 5th
  • Collectif Porte27 __ July 4th & 5th

Tuesday July 4th
6:30 pm

Wednesday July 5th
6:30 pm

Ateliers Jeanne Laurent
17 rue Étienne Dolet

Rates : 5€

Time : 30min

For all audience

Artist in residency

Step of work


I woke up in motion is a protean creation project that explores the theme of the wandering, questioning the notions of border and place.

Vasil Tasevski puts on stage the progression of a man in a perpetual movement carried by several artistic disciplines, video, acrobatics and objects handling.

Founded in 2008, Porte27 is an association based in the region of Champagne-Ardennes that gathers young circus artists around the same desire, put the encounter in the center of every artistic proposal.

The team is made of three circus artists, Marion Collé, Matthieu Gary, Vasil Tasevski and the musician Lawrence Williams.

Vasil Tasevski works in Macedonia and in the Balkans States, then he leaves his country and migrates to France, at the meeting of contemporary circus. He has been trained at the C.N.A.C. and specialized in objects handling, acrobatics, and creates his own apparatus, the Topka (sphere).

As a photography lover, the connection with image holds an important place in his artistic research. Wandering, nostalgia and childhood are the bases of his work.

Images, écriture et interprétation : Vasil Tasevski. Lumières : Elsa Revol. Musique : Alexis Auffray, Ljubomir Angelov, Darko Tasevski et Lawrence Williams. Aide à l’écriture : Marion Collé. Styliste plasticienne : Aurore Thibout. Administration : Anne Delépine. Production : Porte 27 - Le Collectif Porte27 est associé au Théâtre de la Madeleine à Troyes, accueil en residence Ay Roop et subventionné par la region Grand Est. Crédit photo : Vasil Tasevski.