Simon Mayer __ July 4th. Sons Of Sissy

Dance - Austria

  • Simon Mayer __ July 4th

Tuesday July 4th
8:30 pm

Centre Culturel de la Ricamarie
avenue Maurice Thorez
La Ricamarie

Rates : 14€ - 10€

Shared set with : Compagnie Sans Lettres - Le dernier qui s'en souvienne

Time : Le dernier qui s'en souvienne + Sons of Sissy : 1h20

2016 creation

Accompanied by four musician performers, Simon Mayer get rid of the conservatism and the rules of the traditional Alpine music, group dances and rites.

With great skill, they annihilate the stereotype of the male model that traditions maintain persistently.

The sons of Sissy do everything they can to honor their name, sometimes acting like a funny quartet of folk music, sometimes as a combo of experimental ritual dance.

Folklore traditions revisited in a hilarious and crazy way.

Idée, chorégraphie, performance, musique : Simon Mayer. Performance, musique : Matteo Haitzmann, Patric Redl, Manuel Wagner. Instruments : Hans Tschiritsch. Scénographie et costumes : Andrea Simeon. Lumières : Martin Walitza. Conseil artistique :  Frans Poelstra. Crédit photo : Rania Moslam.
Production : Sophie Schmeiser, Elisabeth Hirner.
Co-production : Kopf hoch, brut Wien, Gessnerallee Zurich, zeitraumexit Mannheim et Tanz ist Dornbirn.